Cybersecurity: It’s much more than just Antivirus software…

You see a lot of information these days about #CyberSecurity do you ever wonder why? Well first, it's always been there but it wasn't as mainstream as it is now. In the early days of the computer/internet and in recent modern times #Viruses was a big thing it was a big threat and to some …

Internet Security: The Risks of using Public Wi-Fi

Who doesn’t like free Wi-Fi am I right? We go to our libraries and our coffee shops and airports, malls, restaurants and hotels and heck we’ll even connect when we stop in for bread and milk at Walmart and if there isn’t free Wi-Fi at our favorite spot we complain. It’s 2018 for goodness sakes …

Safe Computing

Computers are awesome in their capabilities. They can supply intense graphics, audio, and powerful software applications. They can help you in business and entertain you from the visually intense screen in front of you. Once you hook that computer up to the Internet you may be unintentionally inviting cyber bad guys to access information from …