The Last Line of Defense

See folks when malware starts going fileless it's a whole new type of beast! it's only gonna get worse... I was reading this article about a new type of Malware that's been detected in the wild. That's why security is so important this type of malware is using legitimate window processes so your anti-virus or …

Malware: Is it coming for your Router?

Earlier this year, it was reported that routers on a massive scale were being infected by malware and the FBI even issued a notice that everyone should unplug their router to disrupt the connection of the malicious process. This is still a thing if you haven’t unplugged your wifi router yet why not? This isn’t …

Safe Computing

Computers are awesome in their capabilities. They can supply intense graphics, audio, and powerful software applications. They can help you in business and entertain you from the visually intense screen in front of you. Once you hook that computer up to the Internet you may be unintentionally inviting cyber bad guys to access information from …